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At NGO NURSES we help nurses who want to be a humanitarian nurse, work with non governmental organization, with the help of our easy to understand tutorial and Courses.

We want to help Nurses who want to work with NGOs in Nigeria and the Neighboring countries.

As the most fundamental purpose of all humanitarian activities is global prevention and alleviation of human suffering.

 There are people suffering from disaster, arm conflict, epidemic and very far away from hospital, which as a result thousands of people are suffering from malnutrition, diseases, poverty and exclusion from hospital. 

Thousand of children suffer and die from malnutrition and other medical complications like severe malaria. To save the life and future of many children know that as a nurse you have a role to play.

The best solution is to be a humanitarian nurse, work with NGOs contribute to save thousand lives, and advance your carrier as a Nurse.

Remember: you can save life wherever you found yourself if there is the capabilities. But as a humanitarian nurse chances are more than 95%.

Malnutrition results to children suffering and eventually die, that is why most NGOs focused on the treatment of Severe acute malnutrition and other medical complications in children between 6-59 months of age.

NGO nurses are ever ready to guide you on basic and expert knowledge on management of malnutrition in a very easy to understand ways prepare you to work with NGOs.