Los Angeles-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF),a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, is a global organization providing cutting-edge medicine and advocacy to over 350,000 patients in 36 countries. We are the largest provider of HIV/AIDS medical care in the U.S. A truly independent voice in our mission to rid the world of AIDS, AHF’s operating capital comes from our own self-created social enterprises. AHF Pharmacies, thrift stores, healthcare contracts and other strategic partnerships generate funding that helps AHF provide medical and advocacy services across the globe. Generating and defining new, innovative ways of treatment, prevention and advocacy is the hallmark of our success. We are currently leading a mass testing initiative to identify and treat the 25 million people who don’t know they are infected. By advocating big goals – aiming to see an unprecedented 1 billion people tested each year – AHF hopes to eliminate older, more time-consuming methods. Since 1987, AHF has cared for thousands of people living with HIV and AIDS worldwide. As we create and implement unparalleled programs in new communities in the U.S. and abroad, we expand delivery of healthcare and influence over policy with the sole aim of saving more lives. –
- Job Type: Full Time
- Qualification: Others
- Experience: 3 years
- Location: Abuja
- Job Field: Consultancy , NGO/Non-Profit
- This consultancy is aimed at studying, understanding, and modifying the current AHF EMR to a Monitoring & Evaluation platform or Software Tool for data management to our Service Providers in our clinics (health facilities).
- To fix all current issues in AHF EMR to meet user requirements and modify / upgrade / improve the AHF-EMR to also have an offline version that can easily synchronize to the online server / storage when internet connectivity is provided (see deliverable section on the expected features)
- The system should provide high level performance and reliability for Real-Time Reporting on all AHF-Nigeria M&E operations, through data collection, verification, and validation. The software should be electronically capable of collecting and reporting data and any other relevant data for the purpose of monitoring and tracking the impact and effectiveness of AHF operations at the State level across the country.
- To establish a system that has the capacity to inter-operate / integrate / interface with the National Data Repository, ORI, Track Positives.
- Study, analyse and understand the current AHF EMR and the M&E needs.
- Create a local test server / environment using the current EMR using the source code provided by AHF.
- Add all pending and new deliverables as shared by AHF (see roman (i) and (ii) below)
- Add any other key functional and non-functional requirements required for an effective, efficient, reliable, available, and secured EMR.
- the system should be dynamic to allow our other programs benefit from it i.e., Not country specific.
- Execution should be based on all corporate guidelines and AHF requirements.
- Periodic reports detailing the delivery of each milestone as is stipulated in the Terms of Reference (TOR).
- Ensure a seamless interoperability between AHF EMR and the National Data Repository for the Country.
- Build capacity of AHF staff to manage of do some trouble shooting when needed.
- Orientate the developer / programmer on the current EMR system that require modifications.
- Provide all expected clarifications as given in the scope of work.
- Provide a platform for the EMR Hosting after full testing of the system functionalities.
- Provide source code for the current AHF EMR System.
- EMR should be able to work offline when there is no Internet network.
- Pharmacy Prescribe should be able to save all drugs dispensed once instead of multiple savings.
- Add the date of the last viral load on the patient dashboard.
- ART regimen and next appointment date are not correctly updated on the patient information dashboard for some clients. Need to check for all other patients.
- Add date the drug dispensed on pharmacy prescription dashboard for each visit.
- Ensure that age is not static. It must change as the client grows older. It should be linked with the calendar.
- Rearranging indicators on Excel reports in a particular order. (See attachment Excel workbook sheet 1 for the order.)
- When generating a report, only the most recent ARV regimen should show on the column for recent drugs in the Excel report.
- Add date of last CD4 on the patient dashboard.
- Pending pharmacy prescription, Pharmacy inventory, and Pharmacy Inventory master not working.
- Create restriction to access the AHF EMR modules based on the roles and responsibilities of staff.
- EMR should indicate 3 colour codes for the patient’s viral load results on the patient dashboard (20 and below should show green, above 20 but less than 1000 should show yellow while equal to or greater than 1000 should show red)
- EMR should indicate with a colour code brown for patients with Most recent CD4 less than 200.
- EMR should indicate the due date of patient’s viral load on the patient dashboard by flagging on the dashboard.
- Batch Upload into the EMR for Viral load result using Excel sheet.
- Add TB-LAM and CrAg to EMR laboratory module (add to the list lab test in lab request, sample collection, result entry, and view lab result)
- Add a field to input blood pressure data on the EMR (located in the triage section of the EMR).
- EMR should indicate in the report section the patient’s DSD status, TPT status, and Cervical cancer screening status. This data should be the most recent.
- The system should flag or indicate patients who are about to be lost to follow-up or already Lost to follow up (Lost to follow-up is when a patient has missed an appointment for 3 months after the appointment date).
- The system should also flag or indicate patients who are dead or transferred out. And provide a drop down for the causes of death.
- EMR should have an appointment/tracking module that will track and generate data for missed appointments, lost to follow-up, transfer out, and death. (See attachment Excel workbook sheet 2 for the format).
- Measure time in motion and client satisfaction survey
- Health worker productivity reports e.g., cadre, function, departments, duties undertaken / performed etc.
- Ensure that all information on the patient information dashboard shows correctly.
- Add details of occupation “other” not specified to Excel report.
- Add Viral Load Sample collection date to Excel report.
- Add TBLam result to Excel report.
- Add DNA PCR result to Excel report.
- Add CrAg result to Excel report.
- Add GeneXpert result to Excel report.
- Add type of family planning to Excel report.
- Develop an extraction plug to upload data into the NDR and ensure a seamless interoperability between AHF EMR and the NDR.
- In addition to the Excel report generation, EMR should generate reports in XML format. See the format attached in the mail.
- EMR should be able to take the fingerprint of clients which will also appear in the XML report as stated above.
- User Management, Roles, and roles assignment
- General systems settings, access controls, audit trails
- EMR configurations, States, sites, departments, Units of Measures, Email logs etc
- Workflow management in all departments/clinics
- Tracking module / Audit trails
- Provide a detailed report/documentation detailing the features, modules, and functions of the EMR software platform.
- Ensure the software platform serves as an electronic back-up to the present manual method of data collection, processing, analysis, and reporting. Make recommendations for backup / restore plan.
- Remotely assessing the Clinic address through google map/earth search thereby authenticating the integrity of the Clinic existence and data.
- Assess the current AHF manual and automated data collection structure, verification, and validation for ease of accessibility, quality of results, user-friendliness, ease of maintenance/update, information retrieval, etc.
- Monitor software platform traffic and provide periodic reports.
- Provide other suitable add-ons such as notification and messenger and fingerprint.
- Assure security and confidentiality of all the resources / content that goes to the software platform and provide storage of all digital assets from AHF including photos, fingerprint, and multimedia content amongst others etc.
- Make recommendations for software, hardware, and other back-end requirements needed for software platform physical infrastructure to run it, such as computer servers, online data storage subscription and portal setup with Internet link.
- Training of AHF NIGERIA staff based on the platform and Clinic Officers, Server Administrators, State System Administrator, Super Users and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), etc. on the platform maintenance, content update, and online media monitoring.
- An understanding of the consultancy requirements
- Methodology and work-plan for performing the assignment.
- Project delivery plan
- Team composition and tasks assignment
- Detailed reference list indicating the scope and magnitude of similar assignments.
- Relevant services undertaken in the past three (3) years.
- Registration and other relevant statutory documents
- Warranty / support and maintenance period after the implementation