Terms of Reference
Type of Evaluation: End-term Evaluation
Project Title: Improving the mental health of perinatal women in Nairobi’s informal settlements.
Duration of service:Â 30 Days
- Background and General Guidelines
- Background
HealthRight Kenya is a health and human rights organization whose mission is to empower marginalized communities to live healthy lives. We achieve lasting change for marginalized populations through locally built and owned solutions; equitable access to health services; and better health outcomes for marginalized populations. For more than a decade, have been using a rights-based approach to HealthRight, working with local government and implementing the national government’s community engagement strategy in more than 10 counties across Kenya. HealthRight has also demonstrated its ability to forge relationships from the community level right up to the county level in the most remote and impoverished areas of the country.
- Perinatal Mental Health Project
HealthRight Kenya in partnership with COMIC Relief is implementing a three-year Maternal Mental Health project which will result in fewer mothers suffering from anxiety and depression during pregnancy and after birth. The program aims to improve the well-being and functioning of perinatal mothers and individuals so that, communities will become sensitized to depression and anxiety through earlier identification, more referrals, and decreased stigmatization. The project targets 3000 perinatal women to be enrolled in IPTG groups which is the project’s main intervention. The project started in July 2020 and is scheduled to be completed by July 2023.
- Project Objective
The overall objective of the project is to improve the mental health of perinatal women in Nairobi’s informal settlements by reducing anxiety and depression during pregnancy and after birth, leading to mothers’ improved well-being and functioning.
HealthRight Kenya is seeking the services of a reputable consulting firm/Individual, to undertake End-line project evaluation, that will entail individual interviews with the community as a whole, beneficiaries and focused group discussions, and Key Informant Interviews with implementing partners and project stakeholders, in Embakasi East and Ruaraka Sub-counties.
- Purpose, and Key Objectives/Priority of the Project
- Purpose of the Consultancy
The overall purpose of the evaluation consultancy is to assess the degree to which the project met the objectives, especially the outcome and goal as outlined in the project proposal/log frame, with particular emphasis on the appropriateness, timeliness, efficiency, and effectiveness of the model. In addition, the study should document the lessons learned, impact, and best practices from the project and provide recommendations to enhance the quality of ongoing and future programming by Health-Right Kenya.
- Specific Objectives of the Evaluation Consultancy
- To assess the relevance and appropriateness of the project to the context, in terms of timing, targeting, and design
- To measure the outcomes of the project against the original results using the indicators outlined in the log frame.
- To document the efficiency of the intervention based on the results achieved with available resource
- To assess the degree to which the project specifically targeted perinatal women in targeted slum areas
- To document the efficiency of the project’s intervention based on the results achieved with available resources
- To identify the positive or any unintended negative impact of the project on the lives of beneficiaries and other stakeholders, including an analysis specifically of the perinatal women.
- Provide recommendations on future project design including how to ensure the effectiveness of log frames.
- Evaluate the depression screening tools and their adaptability within the program’s context, the CHV, and HCW’s ability to implement and sustain the process.
3. Proposed Evaluation Methodology/Data Collection
The evaluation process should include:
3.1 Desk review of the project reports, formats, and action plans, including key documents listed in these terms of reference.
3.2 Focused Group Discussion and In-depth Interviews (KIIs) with stakeholders – project staff, collaborating partners, and stakeholders, government departments to collect information on achievements, impact, and challenges.
3.3 Assess the efficiency of intervention groups (IPTG) and interview participants to assess the efficacy of the interventions.
3.4 Assess the impact and involvement of CHVs intervention in the community and their efficacy in conducting and delivering the PHQ-2 tool used in screening and MOH 100 as a referral tool.
3.5 Conduct household data collection for primary data for sampled households at the primary sites.
4. Location of the Evaluation
The survey will take place in the project’s main target areas: Mukuru kwa Reuben, Mukuru kwa Njenga and Mathare North
5. Responsibilities
a. The Consultant will:
- Undertake a review of the project documents and prepare comprehensive survey tools against the baseline, addressing the specific project outcome indicators.
- Provide a detailed budget, and work plan, outlining relevant documents required from HealthRight Kenya.
- Select the most suitable methodology to conduct, analyze and present, initially as a draft, the proposed evaluation to HealthRight Kenya (HRK).
- Train enumerators/Research assistants across the project sites (Mathare North, Mukuru Kwa Ruben, and Mukuru Kwa Njenga).
- Conduct a validation process for the end-term evaluation.
- Provide report summaries and documentation for publication, conference presentation etc.
- Prepare and share both hard and soft copies of the final assessment report and associated tools with HealthRight Kenya.
- Submission of the draft evaluation report to HealthRight Kenya (HRK) for feedback;
- Incorporation of HRK’s feedback in the draft report
- Debriefing and submission of the final report.
b. HealthRight Kenya will:
- Provide any information that may be required by the consultant during the implementation of the assignment.
- Participate in decision-making according to the consultant tasks above and be available for consultation as needed.
- Obtain the necessary approvals appropriate for similar study/ research e.g., IRB approval.
- Mobilize various parties that have been identified by the consultant as participants of the study.
- Review the draft report and provide feedback.
- Provide logistical support during the engagement period on a need basis.
- Facilitate payment as specified in the contract document.
6. Duration and Work Plan/Itinerary
The End-term evaluation will be tentatively conducted from the 25th of April– 2nd of June 2023 with the finalization and submission of the final End-term Evaluation Report.
7. Outputs of the Evaluation/Deliverables
The consultant will be expected to submit a soft copy of a detailed plan within two (2) days of signing the consultancy contract (in HealthRight Kenya Nairobi Office).A preliminary/draft report will be expected within three (3) working days after the end of the field activities and the final report, with findings and recommendations, is expected within two (2) working days after HRK’s comments. The evaluator will produce/submit to the HRK MEL Manager a detailed final end-term evaluation report in hard and soft form (of no more than 35 pages excluding annexes, in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman font 12. Tables may have font 10 or 11). The entire report will be presented in English and will remain the property of HealthRight Kenya.
The consultant will also be expected to develop a PowerPoint Presentation of the Evaluation findings for purposes of sense-making and dissemination to HRK and the relevant stakeholders. This should be submitted to the HRK MEL Manager for review alongside the final End-Term Evaluation Report.
a. Main Evaluation report
The consolidated final end-term evaluation report should include the following parts:
· Basic Information (max 1 page)
· Executive Summary (2-3 pages)
· Introduction/Background of the project (max 1 page)
· Description of the objectives of the evaluation and execution/evaluation methodologies
· Key Findings (based on the objectives of the evaluation)
· Challenges
· Conclusions
· Summary of Recommendations/Lessons
· Annexes covering Evaluation ToR, Evaluation schedule, list of persons interviewed and sites visited, documents reviewed, references, data collection tools and raw data, Project Log-Frame, Abbreviations, graphs, tables
b. Other Products:
- Data matrixes
- Publication abstract from the evaluation
- PowerPoint slides deck on the evaluation
8. Consultant Qualifications
· Independent consultant/consultancy firm with experience in Monitoring and Evaluation of mental and, or health projects
· At least master’s degree-level qualification in Psychology, MPH, other health-related qualification, social studies, and/or experience evaluating Mental Health projects.
· Minimum of 5 years of professional work experience in slum settings or in the development sector
· Demonstrated conceptual and analytical skills.
· Good knowledge of Kenya’s Mental Health Policy
· Written and verbal communication skills such as reporting and presentation
· Excellent time management skills, with an ability to deliver high-quality outputs on time.
· Experience in the use of participatory and gender-sensitive evaluation methodologies.
Application Guidelines and Deadlines:
Interested and qualified professionals (individuals, Agencies, or Institutions) are invited to submit their applications/bids and should include a proposal entailing the following:
- Work plan & methodology proposed.
- Proposed Budget
- Profiles of consultants/CV
- References upon request
Deadline for Applications:
12th of April 2023
· Please DO NOT send original documents and/or heavy attachments beside the indicated items above
· Additional information will be required only in case of pre-selection and short-listing.
· Only those short-listed will be contacted for an Interview
How to apply
How to apply:
Applications to be sent to [email protected]