2023 NGO Nursing Jobs for nurses In Nigeria 

Ngo nurses

NGO Nursing Jobs

Basic Introduction On NGO Nursing Jobs

Nursing jobs with Non governmental Organizations is very enjoyable and satisfying, NGOs are non for profit organization that provides assistant to people in need, they provide medical assistance, food and shelter for the people affected with arm conflicts, natural disasters and disease epidemics.

As a qualified registered nurse you can join NGOs and work with them to help people in need, to alleviate their suffering and care for them in hospitals. Almost all NGOs involved nurses in their activities as a result there is high chances and enough NGO nursing jobs for nurses.

To provide easy access to NGO nursing jobs for nurses we created this article to make it simple to find NGO jobs by categorizing the best NGO jobs for nurses according to the state and nurse position.

We do this because to simplify and to make individuals decide with part of the country ( Nigeria) is more secure, easy and close to a person to seek nursing jobs with that particular NGO performing in the state, and we make it very simple based on position.

Federal Republic of Nigeria


Nigeria is a country in west Africa It is between the Sahel to the north and the Gulf of Guinea to the south in the Atlantic Ocean. It cover land area of 923,769 square kilometres (356,669 sq mi), and with a high population in Africa. Nigeria is the sixth-most populous country in the world, the country has 36 states and Abuja as capital with 774 local government.

According to U.S. National Institutes of Health’s/National Library of Medicine. “There are several health issues in Nigeria as a country, such as control of some disease vectors, maternal mortality, infectious diseases, poor hygiene and sanitation, disease surveillance, and road traffic injuries”.

Nurses, Nursing, and NGO nursing jobs

Generally nurses are caring and loving, they care the ill one, make them happy and improve their health condition.

Before you continue we recommend you the read this article Know how to become a humanitarian nurse or you can register and learn more about humanitarian principles by reading our course Humanitarian Principles

Nurses usually takes care of people when they are sick (patients), and the professional term ‘Nursing” means caring of individuals who are sick. NGOs generally gives assistance to the people in need of help, that mostly happens as results of disasters, arm conflict and epidemics. NGOs demand nurses, the nurses who are well trained and experienced one, who can work in an emergency and catastrophic situation.

We are going to provide the list of NGOs as a nurse you can nursing jobs and start practicing Nursing.

But before we go to the list i will give you in brief the best organization to join if you want practice as in a very short time you accumulate huge experience as a nurse with dream to get NGO nursing jobs in Nigeria. Working with this organization will expose you NGOs principles and guide you in your future career and the organization is “Medicines Sans Frontiers”

Why Do we Choose Medicines Sans Frontiers?

Firstly, Because the Organization is the leading one that gives humanitarian assistance to large number of people in Nigeria, and most widely separated in the country with at least all of the operational centers in Nigeria.

  • MSF France
  • MSF Spain
  • MSF Holland
  • MSF Belgium
  • MSF Switzerland

Secondly, both projects of MSF needed higher number of nurses. With MSF you can easily get and perform as NGO nurse, to offer humanitarian services.

Thirdly, the benefits of being exposed to biomedical devices, Acquiring new Experience and knowledge and working in a very conducive environment, nurses working with MSF will learn operating and using biomedical devices.

The last but not the least is the renumeration, when you got a nursing job with MSF as a nurse you will be paid highest salary per month than in other organization. You can register and learn completely about the MSF organization here by reading this course Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF) – A Complete Course

NGO Nursing Jobs for Nurses with (MSF) Medicines Sans Frontiers

What is an MSF?

MSF-Medicines Sans Frontiers-Doctors without border, is an International, Independent, Medical humanitarian Organization that give medical assistance to people affected with arm conflicts, disasters, and epidemics.

MSF is non-profit self-governed and member-based organization.

The Organization was founded in 1971 by a group of doctors and journalist and it was made up of health professional, administrative and logistic staffs.

Their actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence, neutrality and impartiality.

By reading this course you can learn more about the organization  Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF) – A Complete Course or very simply read this article   Know how to become a humanitarian nurse  to learn how to become a humanitarian nurse and work with non-governmental organization.

List of NGO Nursing jobs for Nurses With MSF

  1. Registered Nurse at Medicine Sans Frontiers
  2. Referral Nurse at Medicine Sans Frontiers
  3. IPC supervisor ( Nurse) MSF
  4. Nursing Team Supervisor at Medicine Sans Frontiers
  5. Deputy Head Nurse at MSF
  6. Head Nurse/Nursing Activity Manager at MSF

Note: As a nurse, in MSF you can get job in the MSF organization with position more than mentioned above.

Main purpose Of nurse Required

MSF expected from a nurse to provide nursing care, treatment and follow-up for children according to doctors’ prescriptions, MSF protocols, universal hygienic standards and precautions, in order to ensure a good delivery of care.



Essential – recognized Nurse Degree / Diploma

Desirable – Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Desirable – 2 years of previous experience and previous experience in other NGO’s

Demonstrable experience in supervising and training others in a team setting.


Essential fluent in English / Hausa.


Results and Quality Orientation

Teamwork and Cooperation

Behavioral Flexibility

Commitment to MSF Principles

Stress Management

Method of MSF’s Application


Only successful applicants will be called for the next steps and are obligated to disclose any information about family member(s) currently in the employ of MSF in any location.

No monetary transactions, neither demands of favors in kind, nor other types of favoritism will be tolerated in the MSF recruitment process.

MSF reserves the right to refuse hiring a candidate having benefitted from any such acts. All illicit demands may be pursued through the judicial system.

MSF is an equal opportunity employer and encourages any Nigerian citizen to apply irrespective of race, gender, religion, creed, political affiliation.

Below are the list of NGOs Where a nurse can get NGO Nursing jobs:

  1. Medicines Sans Frontiers
  2. Action Health Incorporated
  3. AIDS Healthcare Foundation
  4. Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi)
  5. Medecins du Monde (MdM)
  6. Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA)
  7. AIDS Healthcare Foundation
  8. Wellbeing Foundation Africa (WBFA)
  9. Excellence Community Education Welfare Scheme Ltd/Gte (ECEWS)
  10. Access To Health And Rights Development Initiative (AHRDI)
  11. Save the Children Nigeria
  12. Care Best Initiative (CBI)
  13. Premiere Urgence Internationale (PUI)
  14. Albarka Health Spring Foundation (AHSF)
  15. U.S. Consulate General
  16. Heartland Alliance
  17. eHealth Systems Africa
  18. Society for Family Health (SFH)
  19. AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF)
  20. Family Health International (FHI 360)
  21. African Union (AU)
  22. International Organization for Migration (IOM) Edo
  23. Medecins du Monde (MdM)
  24. Action Health Incorporated
  25. International Medical Corps
  26. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  27. Paragone Int’l Health & Support Initiative (PIHSI)
  28. AIDS Healthcare Foundation Nigeria (Foundation for AIDS Care, Prevention and Advocacy In Nigeria)
  29. Tulsi Chanrai Foundation Eye Hospital

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How to become Nurse Practitioner In Nigeria | Salary and Task

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About AIDS Healthcare Foundation Los Angeles-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF),a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, is a global organization providing cutting-edge medicine and advocacy to over 350,000 patients in 36 countries. We are the largest provider of HIV/AIDS medical care in the U.S. A truly independent voice in our mission to rid the world of AIDS, AHF’s operating capital comes from our own self-created social enterprises. AHF Pharmacies, thrift stores, healthcare contracts and other strategic partnerships generate funding that helps AHF provide medical and advocacy services across the globe. Generating and defining new, innovative ways of treatment, prevention and advocacy is the hallmark of our success. We are currently leading a mass testing initiative to identify and treat the 25 million people who don’t know they are infected. By advocating big goals – aiming to see an unprecedented 1 billion people tested each year – AHF hopes to eliminate older, more time-consuming methods. Since 1987, AHF has cared for thousands of people living with HIV and AIDS worldwide. As we create and implement unparalleled programs in new communities in the U.S. and abroad, we expand delivery of healthcare and influence over policy with the sole aim of saving more lives.

Action Health Incorporated

AHI advances this agenda by working with young people, parents, community opinion leaders, youth-serving organizations, government agencies and policy makers to: Promote and protect young people’s sexual and reproductive health especially, increasing their ability to prevent early pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS and making informed choices about their sexuality free of discrimination, coercion, and violence; as well as developing competencies to thrive now and in adulthood; Increase community awareness and action on challenges youth face so that policies and programmes are put in place to effectively address these issues; and Build alliances to increase the number of government, private sector and civil society programmes offering support and life-enhancing opportunities for young people. Over the last 26 years, AHI has worked to assure that both private and public sector programmes include comprehensive, gender-sensitive, life skills and rights-based approaches to sexuality education and clinical services for youths. During this period, AHI has developed models that have been adopted and expanded by government and other civil society organizations. Some key accomplishments include: Successful advocacy for approval of the national education policy for universal access to sexuality education targeted at young people in Nigeria; and development of the National Family Life and HIV Education Curriculum for primary, secondary and tertiary levels in collaboration with education stakeholders. Facilitating the development of the Family Life and Emerging Health Issues Curriculum for Colleges of Education in Nigeria in collaboration with the National Commission for Colleges of Education(NCCE) Catalyzing/operationalizing Youth-Friendly Health Services in partnership with stakeholders to promote young people’s access to age-appropriate, gender sensitive, sexual and reproductive health information and services in several states of Nigeria. Published reviews and situation analyses on the sexual and reproductive health of married adolescent girls in Northern Nigeria and expanding their access to services in four northern states including facilitating the return of married girls to school. Raising greater awareness about the vulnerabilities of out-of-school adolescent girls in the urban slums of Lagos and facilitating advocacy to improve policy and programming response.

source: https://www.actionhealthinc.org/about-us/

Medecins du Monde (MdM)

Medecins du Monde (MdM) is an international humanitarian organization whose mission is to provide medical care for the most vulnerable populations, the world over, including France. It seeks to stimulate voluntary commitment from doctors, other health care providers, and from those whose expertise in other fields is needed for its activities, to enlist all competent support required for the achievement of its projects, and to seek at all times to encourage close working relationships with populations in its care. MdM operating in Nigeria, Borno state since October 2016.


Source: https://www.medecinsdumonde.org/en/

Save the Children Nigeria

Save the Children is the leading independent organization for children in need, with programs in over 120 countries. We save children’s lives. We fight for their rights. We help them fulfil their potential. Save the Children is working in Nigeria because one in five children in Nigeria dies before their fifth birthday. About 40% of children miss out on school and have to work to survive while nearly 2 million children have lost one or both parents to an AIDS-related disease

Source: https://nigeria.savethechildren.net

The above are some of the NGOs in Nigeria with their descriptions check and find jobs with.

This article was created by the NGO nurses, to make it simple for nurses to read and understand NGO nursing jobs.

Hope this helps, thanks for reading.

NGO nurses.

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