Médecins du Monde France (MdM-Fr) is an international medical solidarity association founded in 1980 and recognized as being of public utility. Its vocation is to treat the most vulnerable populations, in situations of precariousness, crisis and exclusion in the world and in France. MdM-Fr strives to develop multidisciplinary strategies to prevent and respond to gender-based violence, and aims to enable the identification of survivors and their access to care services according to their needs. It seeks to develop people’s capacities for action and to promote individual freedoms. MdM-Fr is an activist organization that has a strong political voice by promoting coalitions with civil society.
Brief presentation of the project
MdM-Fr, in consortium with four other organizations, IPPFAR – the world leader of the project -, CREA, Empow’Her and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), will lead a new project in Latin America entitled Feminist Opportunities Now (FON). Funded by the French Development Agency, the overall objective of the project is to strengthen the capacities of feminist movements by facilitating their access to funding, and by addressing in particular small feminist organizations, often not legally structured, to approach and respond to gender-based violence (GBV). The project will be implemented in ten countries on three continents: Mexico and Colombia (MdM coordination), Bangladesh and Sri Lanka (CREA coordination) and Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guinea Conakry, Ivory Coast, Kenya and,
More specifically, the project will seek to
- Ensure and improve the sustainability of feminist organizations at the organizational and technical levels by providing an inclusive approach to capacity building.
- Improve the resilience and diversity of feminist CSOs through access to sustainable, flexible and adapted funding for small organizations and/or marginalized organizations.
- Improve and strengthen the networking skills of feminist CSOs from the South, bringing them closer to national, regional and international networks, in order to integrate their priorities into the public debate.
2. Description of the mission
The Candidate’s Services will have the following objectives:
- Provide an analysis of the environment of feminist CSOs engaged in the fight against GBV through an analysis of socio-cultural determinants and an analysis of constraints and opportunities; and including a retrospective dimension of evolution over the last 5 years.
- Report on the positioning of influential actors through an analysis of other stakeholders.
- Identify as widely as possible the CSOs and feminist networks present and active in the 10 project countries, as well as their practices in terms of communication.
- Provide an analysis presenting the diversity of structures, the nature of their needs and demands and the specific difficulties they face (highlighting global trends and those specific by country or type of structures).
- Provide recommendations to the consortium dedicated to the review of the project as a whole (additions, modifications, adjustments, etc.).
For this, the proposed tasks are as follows:
- Identify retrospectively (progressions and/or regressions over the last 5 years) the factors impacting the activity of CSOs and feminist networks and reflecting the context in terms of GBV. The analysis of the political, economic, religious, technological, environmental, legislative, social factors, etc., and existing gender inequalities in this area, should include the identification of what represents a constraint or an opportunity for the activity of CSOs and networks. Whenever possible, it will be necessary to identify the existing initiatives in the various fields aimed at combating gender inequalities and gender-based violence and discrimination.
- Identify other stakeholders. Carry out a mapping by country of the stakeholders involved or potentially concerned by the issue of GBV outside the feminist CSOs themselves, analyze the existing dynamics and identify the allies, detractors and hesitant, existing and/or potential. Preliminary and non-exhaustive list to be completed: local, national, regional, political and administrative authorities; traditional religious authorities; organizations funding feminism and/or the fight against GBV; NGOs, research organizations; private actors, etc.
- Carry out a mapping of CSOs and feminist networks. Non-exhaustive list of criteria to be completed, which will make it possible to refine the definition given by the consortium to the term “feminist CSO”: geographical distribution, by level of intervention (local / national / regional / international), legal status, domain of intervention, targets, governance structure, budget and sources of funding, number of employees/volunteers, etc. This mapping should include the contacts (e-mail, telephone number, postal address, etc.) of the organizations and networks identified by country.
- Analyze the dynamics of communication, notoriety and connections of CSOs and feminist networks. We will be particularly interested in the existence or not of a communication strategy among the CSOs and targeted networks, their use of social networks, their interpersonal relations in the service of their notoriety; but also exchange platforms and alliances in which they participate.
- Analyze the demands and needs of CSOs and feminist networks. It will be a question of bringing up the typology of the demands and needs of the feminist CSOs encountered, in a logic of self-analysis of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats: financing of projects, financing of operating costs, capacity building, security, communication, networking, etc. Secondly, an examination of the results will make it possible to highlight the overall trends and those specific to each country or type of structure.
- Provide recommendations. The expected outputs include: a framework note (method, tools, schedule); an interim report with a first synthesis of the results including a first mapping of CSOs and networks; and a final report with the main results and recommendations, opening at least the following chapters: context, needs and demands of CSOs and feminist networks, funding and access to resources, stakeholders and avenues for developing alliances (non-exhaustive list).
This service is estimated at 130,000 euros excluding VAT, all costs included. The selection procedure will follow a “selection based on quality-cost” process (the successful proposal will be the one obtaining the best technical-financial weighted average).
3. Profile sought
This call for expressions of interest is addressed to:
- Design offices
The eligibility criteria for AFD financing are specified in Article 1.3 of the “Guidelines for the Award of Contracts Financed by AFD in Foreign States”, available online on the AFD website: http://www.afd.fr
Applicants may only submit one application on their own behalf or as part of a consortium. If a candidate submits or participates in more than one application, these will be eliminated.
On the other hand, the same subcontractor can participate in several applications.
Interested candidates must provide information demonstrating that they are qualified and experienced to perform these services.
As such, they will justify that they have references of recent and similar services. The similar character of the references will be analyzed according to:
- The size of the markets
- The nature of the Services (detailed technical study)
- Domain and technical expertise (contextual analysis, mapping of actors and study of existing dynamics, identification of needs and proposal of recommendations)
- The geographical context in the 10 project countries.
The client will also examine the relevance of the Expressions of Interest with regard to the following criteria:
- Internal skills and availability in terms of technical support provided to experts located in the countries
- Local correspondents/partners.
Due to the security risk in the areas where the Services are to be performed, the evaluation of Expressions of Interest will verify that the applications meet the following criteria:
- The Candidate has at least experience of providing services in a similar security risk area, for which he will provide proof of the implementation of security measures (invoice or contract with security provider, proof of security awareness before departure on site, etc. .)
- The Applicant has internal security management procedures: it will provide a description of its monitoring system and its crisis management system
- The Candidate has, for services carried out abroad, an assistance and repatriation contract for its employees: it will provide the certificate justifying it.
- The Candidate will describe its standard process for preparing for departure on mission in sensitive areas, and will attach proof of its implementation (mission orders with associated instructions, certificates of awareness-raising or training actions, etc.).
An application that does not meet any of these requirements will be rejected. Médecins du Monde France will draw up a shortlist of a maximum of six (6) Candidates, pre-selected on the basis of the applications received, to whom it will send the Request for Proposals for the performance of the Services required.
4.Indicative timetable
Deadline to express interest: 19/04/2023 at 12:00 p.m. (hdP/CET)
Deadline to inform candidates of their pre-selection: 04/21/2023
Deadline for a full proposal: 03/05/2023
Date of communication of the successful application: 05/05/2023
Desired date for the start of the mission: 05/10/2023
Desired date for submission of the interim report: 07/31/2023
Desired date for submission of the final report: 13/10/2023
This schedule is indicative and may be subject to change.
5. How to apply
Documents to submit
Expressions of Interest should be submitted electronically to the address below
Email: [email protected]
Interested Candidates may obtain additional information from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, by the following means:
Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01 44 92 15 15
The information collected as part of this call for expressions of interest is subject to computer processing intended to create and archive a professional file for each application received and in the event of an audit of our internal procedures. The recipients of the data collected are: the Health Advocacy Department of MdM-F. In accordance with current French and European legislation, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting < [email protected] > or “Médecins du Monde France, Direction Santé Advocacy, 84 avenue du President Wilson 93210 Saint-Denis”. You can also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.
To be authorized to apply, tenderers must be able to provide proof, at MdM-F’s discretion, that they meet the legal, technical and financial conditions required and that they have the necessary capacity and sufficient resources to carry out the assignment.
How to apply
Expressions of Interest must be submitted electronically to: [email protected]